Staircase Strategy

WELCOME leaders:

Applied Design Thinking

At Staircase, we apply design thinking to iterative product development, future of work experiments, and robust Customer Experience initiatives. We have worked with large enterprise companies, non-profits, health care organizations, and accelerating startups. Our Design Strategists unwavering focus on delivering value means we finish a project only when its goals are complete.

Email to discuss how you can apply design thinking to your strategic initiative.

How we work together

We're known for our remote-first workshops and tackling strategic initiatives within your organization.

Our engagements start with a problem-framing discussion and a focus on the desired outcome. We then build the project team and a panel of users who will inform the design process. The project is advanced during weekly collaborative facilitated sessions coupled with focused working sessions. We include a regular cadence of shareouts with project sponsors and stakeholders.

Who We’ve Worked With

Staircase Client Logos

Future of Work

Team DEcision making

collaboration techniques

culture shift